
Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 2, 2012


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At Tara today in this fateful hour
The Rune of St Patrick

At Tara today in this fateful hour

At Tara today in this fateful hour
I place all heaven with its power,
and the sun with its brightness,
and the snow with its whiteness,
and fire with all the strength it hath,
and lightning with its rapid wrath,
and the winds with their swiftness along their path,
and the sea with its deepness,
and the rocks with their steepness
and the earth with its starkness:
all these I place,
by God’s almighty help and grace,
between myself and the powers of darkness.
 (adjective): with serious, often disastrous, consequences
wrath (noun): great anger
“Futility” is a classic 14-line poem by First World War poet Wilfred Owen expressing the pointlessness of war.


Move him into the sun -
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.
Think how it wakes the seeds, -
Woke, once, the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides,
Full-nerved,- still warm,- too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
- O what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth’s sleep at all?

  • futility (noun): an inability to produce any useful result; pointlessness
  • awake (awoke, awoken) (verb): to wake up; to waken; to stop sleeping
  • whisper (verb): to speak softly
  • unsown (adjective): without seed; not planted (NB: “fields unsown” = “unsown fields”)
  • rouse (verb): to wake (somebody) up; to stimulate; to animate
  • limb (noun): an arm or a leg
  • fatuous (adjective): silly and without purpose
  • clay (noun): type of earth; earth; soil
  • limb (noun): member of the body (leg, arm)
  • dear-achieved (adjective): costly to create
  • stir (verb): to move; to waken
  • fatuous (adjective): purposeless
  • toil (verb): to work hard; to labour

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